Coalition against BAYER-dangers (CBG)
P.O. Box 15 04 18
40081 Duesseldorf, Germany
Phone: 0049 – (0)211 – 33 39 11
Fax: 0049 – (0)211 – 26 11 220 (here you can find our PGP-key)
A Portrait of the Coalition
Any information received from Bayer employees or others wishing to remain anonymous will remain confidential.
advisory council
Prof. Juergen Junginger, designer
Prof. Dr. Juergen Rochlitz, chemist, former member of the Bundestag
Hiltrud Breyer, member of the European Parliament (1989 to 2014)
Wolfram Esche, attorney
Dr. Angela Spelsberg, head of cancer clinic Aaachen
Dr. Sigrid Müller, pharmacologist
Eva Bulling-Schroeter, member of the German Bundestag
Prof. Rainer Roth
Dr. Erika Abczynski, pediatrician
Please help us.
Our international campaigns are expensive to run. We receive no public support and depend entirely on your donations.
Please send checks to:
CBG, Postfach 15 04 18, 40081 Duesseldorf, Germany
or by bank transfer to bank account number 8016 533 000 at GLS Bank, Germany
sort code: 430 609 67
(Bank Identifier Code)
IBAN: DE94830944950003199991
(International Bank Account Number)
Please note that bank transfers within Europe are usually no more costly than within your own country, if you quote the BIC and IBAN numbers