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GM experiments in India: Bayer breaks promise

According to the Agrow Magazine Bayer is planning to conduct experiments with insect-resistant BT rice in India. This contradicts to Bayer´s promise from 2004 not to engage in GM research in India (see: Bayer pulls out of Genetic Engineering Research in India)

Agrow No 546, p 2, 16/10/2008
The Indian Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) has approved an application by Bayer CropScience to conduct field trials on genetically modified insect-resistant Bt rice during autumn 2008 at its research facility in India. The event selection trials will be conducted on 28 lines of Bt rice, subject to conditions stipulated by the Indian Review Committee on Genetic Modification, which approved the proposal in June. Bayer states that the trials are part of “an early stage research programme”, and that “in the medium to long term, GM rice technologies could contribute significantly to increasing rice productivity”. Bayer opened a rice research laboratory in Singapore in June to support the creation of rice hybrids with disease and pest resistance, and enhanced yields.
By Duncan Poupard